What To Do VI’s People-Powered Profiles highlight local entrepreneurs and community members who are honing their skills, starting new businesses, and working hard to improve the community.
Name: Jazmin Isabel
Business: Journey for Beauty
What is it?: A lifestyle website that focuses in on beauty through travel whether that be life experiences and adventures, or different beauty products.
Instagram Handle: @jazminisabel
Q&A with Jazmin
Describe yourself in 5 words:
Kind, Adventurous, Creative, Understanding, Determined
If you could give younger-you a piece of personal and business or life advice, what would it be?
A piece of life advice I would give my younger self would be to stay focused on myself and who I wanted to be in the future. To not listen to people who thought they knew who I was.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Knowing that its a new day to accomplish steps to my future goals gets me out of bed in the mornings.
What are your top passions?
My top passions are, traveling, helping others, beauty, and discovering how the back-end of the internet works.
What do you do for work?
I’m an Artist. I freelance in Makeup Artistry, Design & Illustration, Photography & Blogging.
What got you started?
My love for being creative has kept me pushing for success within the Art Industry
Where can we go to learn more:
You can check out my blog that I just relaunched at www.jazminisabel.com or on Instagram @jazminisabel
Favorite Virgin Islands charity and or general cause?
My favorite VI charity is the Humane Society of STT. They help over 2000 animals each year with the help of the community. Also, the World Wildlife Fund has been my favorite national charity since I was a little girl.
Why do you love the VI?
I feel so fortunate living in the VI. I’m surrounded by one of God’s most natural creation, the Ocean. The Caribbean Culture is very captivating to me and I enjoy the warm weather everyday.
Favorite beach?
This is a tough one, with every beach being so beautiful, my favorite beach is Cinnamon Beach on St. John. White sand, calm, and super peaceful.
Piece of advice for a vacationer? and a new island resident?
For any vacationer visiting the Virgin Islands, I would say, enjoy them to the fullest, be kind to the local community as we are as welcoming as you would be in your own home. Greet us with a good morning, good afternoon, & goodnight. And to wear your reef safe sunscreen! Don’t spray it, Apply it! For new residents, living you life on a small island may be difficult at times, but always remember that time passes and there are good days ahead once they get used to how life is lived here.
What do you do for fun?
For fun, I sail on the weekends with my bf. We visit the surrounding islands and cays and get some great snorkeling and hikes in. I also love a good girls boat trip where things can get a little wild. 🙂
What else?
As a resident of St Thomas for 7 years, I’d like to thank the community and anyone I’ve ever met here for being accepting and loving. For letting me be part of the creative culture and for recognizing my work. On April 1st I will be re-launching my website which is targeted to help and encourage women to always push for their own happiness through the beauty of travel as I do so myself.